Expert Asset Search Investigators

Expert Asset Search Investigators

As part of our investigative services, we offer thorough asset search investigation services for clients throughout the local Atlanta area and nationwide. An asset search investigation is necessary in various situations, such as when purchasing a business, fighting a lawsuit, and claiming child support and alimony, among others. Our investigators conduct background checks, computer investigations, and surveillance as part of our asset investigations. We are experienced in financial investigation and our relationships with local communities, law enforcement, and court services, keeps information coming in 24/7/365. Call us at 404-453-7296 to learn more about our services and for a free consultation and review of your case with our private detective.

When Is An Asset Search Investigation Required?

A professional asset search provides a documented status of an individual’s or business’s true wealth and financial position. Establishing the nature and extent of a subject’s assets is important to support decisions on investments, identify concealment of assets, and determine a just and proper amount as alimony, among other things.

A search may uncover various types of hidden assets, including bank accounts, real estate, safe deposit boxes, business assets, income sources, financial records, credit cards, and brokerage and retirement accounts, to name some.

Asset Search Investigation Services in Atlanta, GA

Some common applications and reasons that businesses or individuals may need to conduct an asset search investigation include to:

  • Create a detailed financial dossier on defendants to litigate and settle successfully:If suing a person or business for punitive damages, an asset search reveals if they possess enough assets to pursue a lawsuit. The asset search will bring financial accounts to light and verify equity in real estate properties.
  • Locate assets and accounts nationwide for judgment enforcement against persons and businesses: If you win a judgment in court, the responsibility to collect the judgment from the debtor falls on you. An asset search company can come onboard to investigate the debtor’s financial background and prove they can pay.
  • Determine if the other party in a divorce proceeding is hiding assets: If a spouse is caught hiding assets during a divorce, they could be held in contempt of court. However, hiding assets in a divorce is common when a spouse does not want to share something they consider theirs. If you suspect this, our financial investigator can assess your spouse’s income and help you make informed decisions on the amount of alimony or child support payments you can claim.
  • Identify business holdings for due diligence, litigation, or contract disputes: Getting a true picture of a business’s financial condition can help at the time of purchasing a business or solving a dispute with a business. Our asset search service will uncover the business’s true assets and liabilities.
  • Remove uncertainty from probate administration: When individuals pass away without an official will or estate plan in place, survivors are often left wondering about the true value of the deceased person’s estate. Law firms hire asset search investigators to conduct probate asset searches for families to identify assets for effective administration of trusts and estates.

Contact Our Private Investigator to Get Started on Your Case

An asset investigation service can also uncover whether a person is using a fictitious business name, has multiple judgments, is hiding assets, or has committed fraud. If you are wronged or have questions, we help you get justice and the answers you are looking for. Get facts and truthful data from the experts.

Based out of Atlanta, GA, we serve individuals and businesses throughout the East Coast and nationwide. Call us at 404-453-7296 to discuss your case with our asset search investigator or learn more about our services.

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