Private Investigation Services for Accreditations & Grant Writing

Private Investigation Services for Accreditations & Grant Writing

Not every grant is made with the intention of meeting the stated goal. Not every organization seeking accreditation provides information transparently. Catching wrongful behavior is pivotal to prevent financial fraud and reputation loss. National Private Investigation & Intelligence Firm (NPII) can help in this regard. Our private investigation services include investigations for accreditations and grant writing to help you determine the validity of these requests and organizations and make choices wisely.

To learn more or for a free consultation and review of your case, call us today at 404-453-7296 to speak to a private detective from our team.

Helping Governmental or Private Bodies Evaluate the Quality of Institutions

Formally recognizing an educational institution as having met certain pre-determined minimal criteria or standards involves significant work. This work is investigative in the sense that the governmental or private body must ascertain the truthfulness of the claims and supporting evidence before they can grant the institution accreditation. For an educational institution, this would mean an assessment of the curriculum, faculty, infrastructure, and financial well-being, among others.

Our private investigators can do the legwork for you, providing you with accurate information, along with documentation, to validate or disprove your own findings or perceptions about the institution. Accreditation is believed to have a positive association with teaching and learning, university management activities, and academic quality and excellence. Our private investigation services deepen your understanding of whether organizations meet your standards or requirements.

We use various methods to verify the quality and credibility of the accredited entities, identifying any issues or frauds. We document our findings and present them in simple reports to aid your decision making process. Our services include verifying eligibility, intentions, and compliance of applicants.

Verifying the Eligibility and Accountability of Grant Recipients

Private Investigation Services for Accreditation & Grant Writing Investigations

There is a chance that the funds given by a person or organization to an individual or another entity for a specific purpose linked to public benefit may be misused for other purposes. While awarding agencies have the power to determine or cease funding based on recipient performance, determining recipient’s accountability can be challenging. If fraud is suspected, proving it is a job for private investigation services.

NPII utilizes various investigative methods and techniques to draw an accurate picture of grant recipients, both at the pre-award stage, and after the grant has been awarded. It is possible that the recipient, while having the expertise to fulfill the public service goal for which it has received funding, has lost its way. In such a situation, you are within your right to cease funding. Being a sensitive matter, you will want to explain your decision in no uncertain terms. Our investigations provide the meat and evidence that you can draw from in communicating your decision.

Investigating Entrepreneurial Intentions and Compliance Claims

Accreditation and grant writing are quality strategies that intend to encourage the compliance of organizations through an external assessment. Granting accreditation and providing grants is inherently investigative. While the idea is that organizations are compliant with standards or will increase compliance with standards in advance of a planned external inspection, the reality may be entirely different. It is not rare for individuals and institutions to attempt fraud or getting away with issues that would affect the decision of the granting body.

With our private investigation services, you can protect the integrity of your programs and the well-being of those who will be affected by your decision.

Contact Us for Private Investigation Services

Whether you are on the East Coast or another part of the country, we have the resources and reach to lead discreet investigations and uncover what isn’t apparent, with a high degree of accuracy. Contact us to discuss your requirements or learn more about how our private investigators can help.

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